How to Import into BrickStore
Here's a step-by-step guide on how to export your collection and import the resulting XML file into BrickStore, a popular choice among LEGO resellers:
- Export an XML file as explained above.
- Transfer the XML file from your phone to your computer using a method such as Airdrop, WhatsApp, or Facebook Messenger.
- In BrickStore, click the "Import" button and select "Bricklink XML…" to import the XML file.
- Once imported, you can adjust the item condition (NEW or USED), set prices, and ultimately upload your inventory to Bricklink.
Bulk Updating Item Condition in BrickStore
- Select all items (Mac: Cmd + A, Windows: Ctrl + A)
- Right-click on any item's condition
- Choose "Set condition to New/Used"
This action will update the condition for all selected items at once.